
Nba 2k15 How To Get More Money From Games

NBA Street Vol. 2 Current & Legendary Edition Mod V2.9.3

November 25, 2021 NBA Street, NBA Street Vol. 2

NBA Street Vol. 2 Legendary Edition Mod

A new version (V2.9.3) of agent_michael_scarn's Current & Legendary Edition Mod is now available for the GameCube version of NBA Street Vol. 2! Following on from the previous release, this update includes some new City jerseys. The specific changes in V2.9.3 are as follows:

  • Updated Clippers Away Jerseys to City version
  • Updated Wizards Away Jersey to City Version
  • Updated Spurs Home Jerseys to City Version
  • Updated LaMelo Balls Away Jersey to City Edition
  • Updated Minnesota Away Jersey to City Version
  • Updated Milwaukee Bucks Jerseys to City version for Giannis, Middleton and Holiday

You can pick up NBA Street Vol. 2 Current & Legendary Edition here in our Downloads database! For more information on how to install it, as well as previews, further support, or if you just want to say thanks, check out this topic in the Forum.

Wayback Wednesday: 20 Players With No Official Appearances in Games

Andrew November 24, 2021 Basketball Video Games, Features, Wayback Wednesday

Wayback Wednesday: 18 Players With No Official Appearances in Games

This is Wayback Wednesday, your midweek blast from the past! In this feature, we dig into the archives, look back at the history of basketball gaming, and indulge in some nostalgia. Check in every Wednesday for retrospectives and other features on older versions of NBA Live, NBA 2K, and old school basketball video games in general. You'll also find old NLSC editorials re-published with added commentary, and other flashback content. This week, I'm taking a look back at twenty NBA players that have made no official appearances in video games.

I have an ongoing series of Friday Five articles documenting players who appeared in more video games than real NBA contests. While a handful of those players did tally playing time in at least one NBA game while sometimes appearing in multiple titles, several of them only saw action on the virtual hardwood after being cut in real life while the game was still in production. This article is basically the opposite of that series, instead focusing on players that did make it to the NBA, but due to the timing of their stints, never made it into a video game's official rosters.

I'd originally planned this as a counterpart series of Friday Five articles, but I've instead opted for a single article listing twenty noteworthy examples. To that point, I've tried to select players who had interesting stories, and/or multiple opportunities to make official appearances in video games. I've also focused on games from NBA Live 96 onwards, as those titles have included more comprehensive lineups thanks to inactive rosters and official updates. Official roster updates have also made this a far less likely phenomenon as the years have gone by. Let's take a look back…way back…

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File Additions for NBA 2K14

Andrew November 23, 2021 NBA 2K14

NBA 2K14 Cover Art

The latest file additions for NBA 2K14 PC include an ESPN scoreboard, presentation fix, RED MC scripts, and an updated custom soundtrack mod. Check them all out at the links below!

ESPN 75th Scoreboard (Association Automatic Weekday)
2K Presentation Enhancements (Annoyances Removed)

Set Default Scoreboard Logos SCRIPT by Mackubex
Apply 2021-22 NBA Season Injuries SCRIPT by Mackubex

Collectedechoes's NBA Jams (Updated to v3.0)

Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to our Downloads database! If you need help uploading files, be sure to check out this video tutorial. For more information about downloads, the modding community, and File Additions bulletins, please see this FAQ in our Wiki.

Monday Tip-Off: The Addictiveness of Grinding

Andrew November 22, 2021 Features, Monday Tip-Off, NBA 2K

Monday Tip-Off: The Addictiveness of Grinding

We're at midcourt, and the ball is about to go up…it's Monday Tip-Off! Start your week here at the NLSC with a feature that's dedicated to opinions, commentary, and other fun stuff related to NBA Live, NBA 2K, and other basketball video games. This week, I'm tipping things off with some reflections on the addictiveness of grinding in modes such as MyCAREER and MyTEAM.

Much has been written about the predatory mechanics found in NBA 2K, and many other Triple-A video games over the past generation. On several occasions, I've joined the chorus of people who have criticised the practice. There have been many articles and videos that have discussed how recurrent revenue mechanics prey on those who struggle with impulse control and addictive personalities. That remains a huge issue, and I still condemn those mechanics. Regardless, even if you opt for a "No Money Spent" approach, you can still find yourself getting hooked.

I've at long last properly begun a MyNBA game in NBA 2K22, marking an overdue return to franchise gaming. If you know how long I've been talking about wanting to do that due to feeling burned out on MyCAREER, you can appreciate how big of a deal that is for me! I feel energised having returned to my roots as a franchise gamer, in no small part due to revisiting MyGM in NBA 2K14. However, I've been thinking about why it took so long, and why I continued to spend time with MyCAREER and its connected modes, with a detour to MyTEAM in NBA 2K21. I've realised that even if you resist the pressure of microtransactions, there's addictiveness in the grinding.

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NLSC Podcast #402: Winners Don't Quit

Andrew November 21, 2021 NBA 2K22, NBA Live 06, NBA Live 19, NLSC Podcast

NLSC Podcast Logo

Episode #402 of the NLSC Podcast is out now! Derek (aka Dee4Three) and I are your hosts for this weekly podcast that's all about basketball gaming.

NBA Live 19 still has an active online scene, but sadly it displays similar toxicity to NBA 2K's community. We dissect the issue of poor online sportsmanship, and lack of competitiveness in what is supposedly a competitive environment. While we're in the mood for callouts, we also respond to some recent comments that were unnecessarily snarky. On a brighter note, our second attempt at a co-op game in NBA Live 06 for Xbox 360 over Parsec has us pumped to dive into a Season. Elsewhere, Take Two's attitude towards Grand Theft Auto modders has us wondering if we should be worried about our own modding community, especially with 2K understandably cracking down on MyCAREER hackers. In this week's mailbag, we're reflecting on games that we wish we could've personally modded, or downloaded mods for.

Download or play on your mobile device/tablet: CLICK HERE (Running time: 1:20:41 — 55.8MB)

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS

Join in the conversation in the comments below, or here in the Forum! Additionally, feel free to hit us up with any feedback on the episode, as well as mailbag questions and topic suggestions for future shows. For more information on the NLSC Podcast including episode guides, check out this page in our Wiki. The show also comes out on our YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe for future episodes and other video content.

NLSC Top 10 Plays of the Week: November 20th, 2021

Andrew November 20, 2021 Features, Top 10 Plays of the Week

NLSC Top 10 Plays of the Week

It's time to enjoy some virtual hardwood highlights in the NLSC Top 10 Plays of the Week! This is a weekly feature curated by Derek (aka Dee4Three) spotlighting the best plays from the basketball gaming community, which includes a few of our own memorable clips from time to time. Submit your clips in the Forum, or hit up Derek on Twitter!

Dunks are always fun to perform in basketball video games, but they're even more memorable when you see one of the rarer and most spectacular animations broken out at just the right time. This week's NLSC Top 10 Plays features a few such slams, perfectly suiting the players that pulled them off. There are also a couple of other nifty plays, including a clutch shot from one of the all-time greats. Additionally, a couple of the highlights serve as teasers for future Wayback Wednesday features. Try to guess which ones!

What was your favourite highlight this week? Sound off in the comments below, and once again, get in on the fun by sending us your spectacular moments on the virtual hardwood or blacktop. All basketball games are welcome, new and old! Also, be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube for more basketball gaming videos.

The Friday Five: 5 Worst Parts of Retro Basketball Gaming

Andrew November 19, 2021 Basketball Video Games, Features, The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Welcome to this week's edition of The Friday Five! The Friday Five is a feature that I post every Friday in which I give my thoughts on a topic that's related to NBA Live, NBA 2K, and other basketball video games, as well as the real NBA, and other areas of interest to our community. The feature is presented as either a list of five items, or in the form of a Top 5 countdown. This week's Five examines the five worst parts of retro basketball gaming.

Since I took a look at the best parts of retro basketball gaming last week, it's only fair that I follow up with the downsides. Look, I stand by what I previously said. I'm all for normalising retro basketball gaming in addition to enjoying new releases. There should be no stigma about going back to an old favourite. We also need to can the misguided notion that they can't be any good because new is always better. If you're not enjoying the latest NBA 2K and you're not beholden to online play and live service content, by all means revisit an older game and see if you still enjoy it!

To that point though, you may not. Retro gaming isn't for everyone, and basketball titles are no different. Indeed, because they're aiming to replicate reality, sim games in particular can age very poorly. Even if the core experience does hold up, there are other drawbacks that arise from servers being shutdown, leading to functionality and content being lost. As much as I love retro basketball gaming, I'd be lying if I said that I'm always pleasantly surprised when I fire up a game I greatly enjoyed when it was first released, or that absolutely any old title can re-enter my rotation. With that being said, these are the five biggest downsides of retro basketball gaming, in my view.

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File Additions for NBA 2K22

Andrew November 18, 2021 NBA 2K22

NBA 2K22 Cover Art

Today's file additions for NBA 2K22 PC come from Shuajota. Check out the links below for a face update for Joel Ayayi, and a reshade for a more realistic aesthetic!

Joel Ayayi Face
Shuajota Realism Patch

Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to our Downloads database! If you need help uploading files, be sure to check out this video tutorial. For more information about downloads, the modding community, and File Additions bulletins, please see this FAQ in our Wiki.

Wayback Wednesday: Buying NBA Tapes & DVDs From PonTel

Andrew November 17, 2021 Features, NBA, Wayback Wednesday

Wayback Wednesday: Buying NBA Tapes & DVDs From PonTel

This is Wayback Wednesday, your midweek blast from the past! In this feature, we dig into the archives, look back at the history of basketball gaming, and indulge in some nostalgia. Check in every Wednesday for retrospectives and other features on older versions of NBA Live, NBA 2K, and old school basketball video games in general. You'll also find old NLSC editorials re-published with added commentary, and other flashback content. This week, I'm reminiscing about buying NBA tapes and DVDs from PonTel.

I'm shifting focus away from the virtual hardwood here, and while I have done that before in Wayback Wednesday, on this occasion it's tough to relate it back to video games. However, I trust that most of us are basketballs fans with a keen interest in the NBA, so I believe that you'll find it relevant. With that being said, if you live in the United States or Canada, you're probably not familiar with PonTel. After all, their products are not available in those countries, as they aren't licensed to distribute there. Of course, they don't really need to, given the access to sports in the US and Canada.

So, what is PonTel? They're a licensed distributor of complete games for US sports leagues, namely the NBA, NFL, and MLB, as well as college basketball and football. They also have a large library of classic NBA games, which was of particular interest to me when I discovered them. If you were an NBA fan living in Australia, Europe, or Asia in the early 2000s, there's a chance that you made at least a few purchases from PonTel. Let's take a look back…way back…

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File Additions for NBA 2K21

Andrew November 16, 2021 NBA 2K21

NBA 2K21 Cover Art (Current Gen)

Today's file additions for NBA 2K21 feature a new version of SimonLee's accessory and jersey model update. Check it out at the link below!

Adapted Accessory & Jersey Models (Updated to v1.2)

Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to our Downloads database! If you need help uploading files, be sure to check out this video tutorial. For more information about downloads, the modding community, and File Additions bulletins, please see this FAQ in our Wiki.

Monday Tip-Off: Goodwill Goes Both Ways

Andrew November 15, 2021 Community, Features, Monday Tip-Off, NBA 2K

Monday Tip-Off: Goodwill Goes Both Ways

We're at midcourt, and the ball is about to go up…it's Monday Tip-Off! Start your week here at the NLSC with a feature that's dedicated to opinions, commentary, and other fun stuff related to NBA Live, NBA 2K, and other basketball video games. This week, I'm tipping things off with some frank thoughts on how goodwill goes both ways when it comes to basketball gamers, and basketball video game developers.

It's neither a stretch nor a startling revelation that the relationship between the NBA 2K developers and NBA 2K gamers is not as cordial as it once was. There was a time when 2K was the darling of basketball gaming. While EA Sports failed to deliver with NBA Live, Visual Concepts was going from strength to strength with NBA 2K. They listened, they innovated, and their hard work paid off. NBA Live was no longer in the picture, and while that was a sad outcome in many ways, the superior hoops game had conquered the market. Unlike Madden, they did it through quality, not exclusitivity.

Such a track record of excellence and gamer satisfaction fosters trust and goodwill in the brand. That's not to say that the product was always perfect, because no game is. The quality was consistently impressive though, and the developer blogs during the preview seasons felt trustworthy because the games seemingly always delivered. In recent years, however, that trust and goodwill has diminished. For our part, we're an angrier fanbase that as a whole, doesn't always engage as politely as we should. We have reasons to be upset and our terseness is understandable, but I also sympathise with the devs' frustration. Goodwill is vital in this relationship, and it goes both ways.

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NLSC Podcast #401: A Double-Edged Sword

Andrew November 14, 2021 NBA 2K22, NBA Live 06, NLSC Podcast

NLSC Podcast Logo

Episode #401 of the NLSC Podcast is out now! Derek (aka Dee4Three) and I are your hosts for this weekly podcast that's all about basketball gaming.

We have our likes and dislikes when it comes to NBA 2K22, but what would someone who hasn't played the series in over ten years think of it? We have an answer from the community, leading us to discuss bad first impressions. Of course, first impressions don't always last, thanks to the abundance of patches and tuning fixes. In that regard, post-release support these days is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. It's also a factor in the ongoing conversation about alleged skill gaps. Meanwhile, a MyTEAM poll has revealed some interesting statistics regarding NBA 2K's demographics that suggest we're not that old after all. We also discuss playing NBA Live 06 for Xbox 360 co-op over Parsec, the addictiveness of grinding, and some of the community's Virtual Hardwood Legends.

Download or play on your mobile device/tablet: CLICK HERE (Running time: 1:16:23 — 52.8MB)

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | RSS

Join in the conversation in the comments below, or here in the Forum! Additionally, feel free to hit us up with any feedback on the episode, as well as mailbag questions and topic suggestions for future shows. For more information on the NLSC Podcast including episode guides, check out this page in our Wiki. The show also comes out on our YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe for future episodes and other video content.

NLSC Top 10 Plays of the Week: November 13th, 2021

Andrew November 13, 2021 Features, Top 10 Plays of the Week

NLSC Top 10 Plays of the Week

It's time to enjoy some virtual hardwood highlights in the NLSC Top 10 Plays of the Week! This is a weekly feature curated by Derek (aka Dee4Three) spotlighting the best plays from the basketball gaming community, which includes a few of our own memorable clips from time to time. Submit your clips in the Forum, or hit up Derek on Twitter!

Some familiar names and familiar games have produced another great countdown of fun highlights in this week's NLSC Top 10 Plays! However, a game making its first appearance in the Top 10 has managed to grab the number one spot this time around. While NBA 2K22 highlights are a given – that play at number four is slick from start to finish – and there are some staple retro kicks going on, with more gamers dusting off old favourites, you never know when a classic title will show up to dazzle us once more!

What was your favourite highlight this week? Sound off in the comments below, and once again, get in on the fun by sending us your spectacular moments on the virtual hardwood or blacktop. All basketball games are welcome, new and old! Also, be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube for more basketball gaming videos.

The Friday Five: 5 Best Parts of Retro Basketball Gaming

Andrew November 12, 2021 Basketball Video Games, Features, The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Welcome to this week's edition of The Friday Five! The Friday Five is a feature that I post every Friday in which I give my thoughts on a topic that's related to NBA Live, NBA 2K, and other basketball video games, as well as the real NBA, and other areas of interest to our community. The feature is presented as either a list of five items, or in the form of a Top 5 countdown. This week's Five examines the five best parts of retro basketball gaming.

Contrary to what you may believe given how often I've talked about going back and playing old titles, I'm not just about retro basketball gaming. I spend plenty of time with the latest release as well, and have the MyCAREER and MyTEAM progress in recent years to show for it. However, I'll always advocate for retro basketball gaming, especially as it receives odd pushback from some gamers. I've seen more than a few people ask about getting older games to run over on the official NBA 2K subreddit, only for them to be mocked and told to just play the newest game.

Putting aside the rudeness of being so dismissive as to answer a question with an unwanted and irrelevant suggestion, there are reasons why people want to play older games, if only from time to time. It doesn't necessarily mean that they have no interest in the latest release, or are unaware of its benefits. Of course, they may be well aware of its drawbacks as well, and seek a more enjoyable experience from an old favourite. There are pros and cons to retro basketball gaming, just as there are pros and cons to playing the newest release. I'm focusing on the pros today, because there is value in going wayback on the virtual hardwood, or sticking with a game you most enjoy.

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File Additions for NBA 2K10

Andrew November 11, 2021 NBA 2K10

NBA 2K10 Cover Art

We've got some more re-uploads in today's file additions for NBA 2K10, once again courtesy of nba2kiraq. Unfortunately we have lost a lot of great mods from the early days of the NBA 2K modding scene over the years, so it's always welcome news when they can be located and added to our archives. Check out all of today's NBA 2K10 file additions at the links below!

Mega Retro 90s Shoe Pack

Custom Michael Jordan Shooting Form
NBA 2K10 Realization Patch First Edition

1996 Mod Team
1995-1996 Season Mod

Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to our Downloads database! If you need help uploading files, be sure to check out this video tutorial. For more information about downloads, the modding community, and File Additions bulletins, please see this FAQ in our Wiki.

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