
spider-man: homecoming 1 streaming vf gratuit

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Spider-Man: Homecoming movie poster

Plot summary

A young Peter Parker/Spider-Man begins to navigate his newfound identity as the web-slinging super hero Spider-Man. Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May, under the watchful eye of his new mentor Tony Stark. Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine - distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man - but when the Vulture emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened.

Words to remember


  • 1) antigravity

    - I thought this was the antigravity gun. - What?

  • 2) bozo

    ...Halloween-costume-wearing bozo up there in Stark Tower.

  • 3) decathlon

    As long as I make it back in time for decathlon, it's fine.

  • 4) multimillion

    Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit...

  • 5) blip

    - Hello? - Got a blip on my screen here.

  • 6) pooch

    - Mr. Stark, I really... - You screwed the pooch hard, bigtime.

  • 7) meatloaf

    That turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster.

  • 8) bodega

    ...a powerful blast was set off, slicing through the bodega across the street.

  • 9) alibi

    We should make an alibi video for your aunt anyway. You ready?

  • 10) billionaire

    Hey, what are you doing robbing a bank? You're a billionaire.

  • 11) shocker

    "I'm the Shocker. I shock people." What is this, pro wrestling?

  • 12) vulture

    Look, forget the flying vulture guy, please.

  • 13) robber

    This must be where the ATM robber got their stuff.

  • 14) chauffeur

    Well, hey, I'm your chauffeur, so let's get this show on the road.

  • 15) refresher

    Would you like to run a refresher course?

  • 16) dropout

    You want to be a high school dropout?

  • 17) occupant

    The occupant are in imminent mortal danger.

  • 18) interrogation

    Would you like me to activate the Enhanced Interrogation Protocol?

  • 19) reconnaissance

    - How do I get in there? - Activating reconnaissance drone.

  • 20) pickle

    Yeah, and with pickle, and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks.

  • 21) bourbon

    A bourbon or a Scotch, or something like that?

  • 22) intercept

    Launch for intercept. Green light. Green light.

  • 23) morale

    ...a rebellious group activity the day before competition is good for morale.

  • 24) forehead

    He was forehead of security, before that he was a driver.

  • 25) nephew

    My gosh, I wanted to tell you what an incredible job your nephew did...

  • 26) deterioration

    Unexpected motion has caused the deterioration to escalate.

  • 27) venom

    - Can you spit venom? - No.

  • 28) robotic

    He already quit marching band and robotic lab.


  • 1) overextend

    He's right. I overextend myself.

  • 2) overdo

    Mr. Stark really overdid it.

  • 3) expel

    Can I be the one to tell Peter he's expel?

  • 4) thwart

    ...after an ATM robbery was thwart by Queens' own crime stopper...

  • 5) injure

    Thankfully, no one was seriously injure thanks to the Spider-Man.

  • 6) disappoint

    Well, if I were her, I wouldn't be disappoint at all.

  • 7) reinstall

    You have also not reinstall your parachute...

  • 8) prosecute

    ...or you will be prosecute.

  • 9) creep

    High schools creep me out.

  • 10) admire

    I admire that.

  • 11) sneak

    I know you sneak out of this house every night.

  • 12) apologize

    I apologize, Mr. Toomes, but all salvage operations are now under our jurisdiction.

  • 13) swear

    - Okay. - Just swear it, okay?

  • 14) owe

    I really owe you one.

  • 15) hesitate

    - Why are you hesitating? - It's fine.

  • 16) disappear

    - You disappear. - No. No, I did not disappear.

  • 17) appoint

    So I am appoint Michelle.

  • 18) bump

    See, Happy is hoping to get bump up to asset management.

  • 19) steal

    I just had a fight with Captain America. I stole his shield. I threw it at him...

  • 20) hack

    Instead, you hack a multimillion-dollar suit...

  • 21) deserve

    - Two hours. You deserve that. - I got ice cream in here.

  • 22) divide

    It's the product of sine of the angle and gravity divide by mass.

  • 23) smell

    - I bet he smell nice. - You have to shut up.

  • 24) defeat

    Later that day, they also defeat death.

  • 25) dig

    It's kind of a Springsteen-y, working-class hero vibe that I dig.

  • 26) disable

    ...but they're all disable by the Training Wheels Protocol.

  • 27) screw

    We're freaking screw.

  • 28) raid

    Besides, we raid the minibar and these candy bars were, like, $11.


  • 1) thankfully

    Thankfully, no one was seriously injured thanks to the Spider-Man.

  • 2) technically

    Sir, technically, this is my dad's car, sir. So I can't...

  • 3) afterwards

    I'll come by afterwards. For the most part, the difficult thing is the base of it.

  • 4) literally

    That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said.

  • 5) besides

    Besides, we raided the minibar and these candy bars were, like, $11.

  • 6) basically

    Yeah, basically.

  • 7) definitely

    That's definitely not what we wanted to watch.

  • 8) previously

    Previously on Peter Screws the Pooch...

  • 9) exactly

    - Stark internship. - Yeah, exactly.

  • 10) immediately

    Return to the ground immediately.

  • 11) sometimes

    Sometimes patience is the key to victory.

  • 12) fucking

    There were purple lasers and smoke. It was fucking tight, like a Bon Jovi concert.

  • 13) finally


  • 14) otherwise

    Stay in school, kid. Otherwise, you're gonna end up like me.

  • 15) behind

    I'll be close behind.

  • 16) instead

    Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit...

  • 17) late

    I'm gonna be late.

  • 18) almost

    Almost got you.

  • 19) actually

    Actually, it's Native American, but whatever.

  • 20) kind

    Hey, suit lady. I kind of feel bad calling you "suit lady," you know?

  • 21) inside

    I wouldn't care. I'd love him for the person he is inside.

  • 22) soon

    Yeah, well, hopefully, soon it'll lead to a real job with them.

  • 23) enough

    I'm not old enough to drink.

  • 24) later

    Later that day, they also defeated death.

  • 25) though

    Yeah. Tell you what, though.

  • 26) far

    How far can you shoot your webs?

  • 27) fast

    Karen, get me to decathlon as fast as possible.

  • 28) together

    - Everyone stick together. - Yeah.


  • 1) uncool

    I mean, not awesome. Totally uncool of that guy.

  • 2) freaking

    Come on! It's a freaking merge. I'm sorry.

  • 3) inductive

    That's an inductive charging plate. That's what I use to charge my toothbrush.

  • 4) upstate

    Upstate... Like, upstate-upstate?

  • 5) dope

    - Having a party? - Yeah, it's gonna be dope.

  • 6) catastrophic

    Estimating 10 minutes before catastrophic failure.

  • 7) unfamiliar

    You seem to be unfamiliar with your web-shooter settings.

  • 8) obsessed

    I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant.

  • 9) awkward

    Long enough to be awkward. Boss wants to see you.

  • 10) imminent

    The occupants are in imminent mortal danger.

  • 11) jealous

    Oh, I remember these. Kind of jealous.

  • 12) imaginary

    Let me guess: In Canada with your imaginary girlfriend?

  • 13) disappointing

    ...why you waited so long for something so disappointing.

  • 14) mortal

    The occupants are in imminent mortal danger.

  • 15) lame

    Can't believe you're at this lame party.

  • 16) patriotic

    Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus.

  • 17) explosive

    That glowy thing is an explosive Chitauri energy core.

  • 18) shocked

    I'm... I'm shocked.

  • 19) insane

    This is insane. Insane.

  • 20) disappointed

    Imagine how disappointed she'd be when she sees me.

  • 21) dumb

    - Shouldn't steal cars, it's bad. - It's my car, dumb-ass!

  • 22) pale

    Because you look pale.

  • 23) impressed

    Everyone was impressed.

  • 24) invisible

    ...on the outside of an invisible jet...

  • 25) unexpected

    Unexpected motion has caused the deterioration to escalate.

  • 26) sudden

    We have now entered sudden death.

  • 27) incoming

    Incoming call from May Parker. Should I reroute to your heads-up display?

  • 28) inappropriate

    Peter, that's inappropriate. Let's start over. You can edit it.

spider-man: homecoming 1 streaming vf gratuit


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